Saturday, March 28, 2015

Instance Attributes and Methods in Python

Methods in a class have access to all the data contained on the instance of the object; they can access and modify anything previously set on self. Because they use self, they require an instance of the class in order to be used. For this reason, they're often referred to as "instance methods".

Class attributes are attributes that are set at the class-level, as opposed to the instance-level. Normal attributes are introduced in the __init__ method, but some attributes of a class hold for all instances in all cases. For example, consider the following definition of a Car object:
class Car(object):

    wheels = 4

    def __init__(self, make, model):
        self.make = make
        self.model = model

mustang = Car('Ford', 'Mustang')
print mustang.wheels #prints 4
print Car.wheels #prints 4
A Car always has four wheels, regardless of the make or model. Instance methods can access these attributes in the same way they access regular attributes: through self (i.e. self.wheels).

Static Methods:

Static methods are the methods that don't have access to self. Just like class attributes, they are methods that work without requiring an instance to be present. Since instances are always referenced through self, static methods have no self parameter.

The following would be a valid static method on the Car class:
class Car(object):
    def make_car_sound():
        print 'VRooooommmm!'
No matter what kind of car we have, it always makes the same sound. To make it clear that this method should not receive the instance as the first parameter (i.e. self on "normal" methods), the @staticmethod decorator is used.

Class Methods:

A variant of the static method is the class method. Instead of receiving the instance as the first parameter, it is passed the class. It, too, is defined using a decorator:
class Vehicle(object):
    def is_motorcycle(cls):
        return cls.wheels == 2
Class methods are for when you need to have methods that aren't specific to any particular instance, but still involve the class in some way. The most interesting thing about them is that they can be overridden by subclasses.

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